I’ve decided that for my technical blog posts I will go into
video game designs and technologies. In this article I will cover virtual
reality (original I know) and what exactly it can bring to the games market,
if it can contribute anything in the long run to games and their development.
So first a quick breakdown of current existing technologies
and competitors. The main devices are the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Project
Morpheus, Microsoft HoloLens and Google Cardboard. Each provides differences
between, but all use head mounted displays to display perspective corrected
content to the user. Currently prices range from £15.00 for a piece of foldable
cardboard that can hold a smartphone to act as both screens to a £759.00 HTC
Vive, currently only a developer edition of the HoloLens is available for a
whopping $3,000 per device, though this price will most likely drop for
consumer based products.
This post isn’t going to cover exactly what each device does
and how it does it, there’s 101 other articles that break that down for you.
Instead I’m going to cover more what these devices can actually do as a whole
for gaming.
First came the fun little cinematic demos using the Rift Development
Kit 1 (DK1), having owned one myself it made a great party trick, first coerce a
person to sitting down and putting on the device and some headphone turned up
to loud, launching the rollercoaster application and watching them scream as it
dropped, jumped and swerved. Unfortunately the DK1 never amounted to more than
a proof of concept, widespread motion sickness due to the relatively low update
rate of 60hz compared to real life was an instant turn off for many. Also the
low resolution of 640x800 made near impossible to distinguish fine details, the
comparison to real life was stark.
Skip forward a couple years and great strides have been made
to improve immersion and resolution. We’re now up to a 2160x1200 resolution and
a higher 90hz refresh rate will drastically help in reducing motion sickness. Nvidia
has also made great strides in supporting rendering for multiple simultaneous
viewpoints (https://developer.nvidia.com/pascal-vr-tech)
requiring only a single pass for each type of shader, drastically improving
performance. VR now seems like a plausible subset of gaming, while it’s not
going to drastically alter the way the majority of games are currently played,
it is going to attempt to co-exist with them.
When a headset is strapped on there’s a large disconnect
between moving in a game and sitting still in a game, as such typical first
person shooters, especially those with a great fluidity and speed of movement
actually feel worse to play. Team Fortress 2 (Valve) was one of the early adopters
to native VR support yet despite its flawless integration, it does not provide
a fun experience due to this disconnect with seeing your body doing things its
actually not.
Games since have shown that to provide movement, they must
use the logical step of using vehicles for movement. This can be seen in Hover
Junkers (http://www.hoverjunkers.com/), this involves first person shootouts on
hovering platforms.
Simulations also prove great worth in investing with VR
technology for diehard fans that can immerse themselves in in their universe
such as in EVE: Valkyrie (https://www.evevalkyrie.com/),
Star Citizen (https://robertsspaceindustries.com/)
and Elite Dangerous (https://www.elitedangerous.com/)
all are new space simulation titles, which have gained huge momentum in recent
years. Use of joysticks or provided controllers prove to be a great way to
immerse and create believable universes.
Overall VR helps a few niche genres bringing them into the
spotlight if only for a decade or so. The majority of other genres simply are
not applicable with current iterations, drastic changes to core mechanics would
have to be made to make a game playable, let alone fun. Would then they still
even be define in those original genres they attempted to be?
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